Hello Guys, How are you all. We are back with again our favorite column Talk of Indian Cinema on 4th Sunday of New Year 2022. I’m warm welcoming to all on the last weekend of loveable February. March month is coming next and its target month everybody sets their target and tried to achieve also its collection and end of financial year but its all gone be come and out. During this all routine our films can be made relax and spread happiness via different form & genre but have you imagine that if no one made the films than how can we entertain but yes if we entertain than its our job to felicitate such films and for that our Indian board of film fraternity and many others honoring our films via award shows. Its joy able and memorable moments. Almost every aspect of Indian cinema has their own award shows and many are like national level where film not be divide via region but all are the same yes and today we talk about one of the great award show of Indian cinema and its none other than DadaSaheb Phalke Award.
DadaSaheb Phalke Award is one of the greatest award of Indian Cinema, it is presented annually at the national film award by directorate of film festival and setup by Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. This award is represent the greatest contribution in cinema during the current year and the winner can be judge by different regions personalited who are in indian cinema.now the question is what is actually that award only trophy? Guys it not just trophy its an golen lotus along with shawl and 10 lacks INR cash.
Now the another question raise why dadasaheb? Who was it? My friends Dadasaheb was known as father of indian cinema. Its remembernce of his contribution for indian cinema. Dadasaheb’s actual name was Dhundiraj Govind Phalke and he was actor/director/producer/screenwriter of the earlist era. He started the film industry in india and that’s why he known as Father of Indian Cinema. His first film was Raja Harishchandra in 1913. The first edition of this award is in 1969 and that time recipient was devika rani. She was the first lady of indian cinema and she debut in 1933 in karma film. Many legends of our indian cinema got this award in past years. The started phase include only person who contribute in different section like acting, direction, music etc. Later on its change and add many categories in the awards now .
So guys this was little discussion for this weekend. I’m sure I deliver some unknown facts with you will meet again in March. Meanwhile good bye and take care. You can contact me anytime for any topic or discussion. Contact me via my social media and blogs. Me or my team will revert you soon. For Further discussion I m sharing my Social Media Links to you.
Thank You Again. Good Bye.
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