Talk Of Indian Cinema – Part-5 – 24th May 2020

Hello, Guys, How are you all? We are back with one of the interested and my favourite topic Talk of the Indian Cinema. Today is fifth part.Today India face global crisis and world disease corona but still we indian are always celebrate every festival in any situation. Today 2 festival for india first one is Eid for all our Muslims and second one Brother’s Day which celebrate all over the india. Today on this special occasion we talk about some films to which seen we laughed , cried and even some we meet our family and we got a new turning point in our life to live with our family. Today we talk that some films which show brotherhood. Though in film both brother are fight internally but at the end they was met and we got a some lesson from it. Let’s talk and start from the first film Hello Brother. This film by sohail khan and the actor are his two brothers Salman khan and Arbaz khan. In the film they are not the real brother but their chemistry made a fun and e...